Change Asset's Ownership
To better distribute the workload, you can change the asset owner. The owner is responsible for an asset and processes requests for asset approval, among other things.

Search for the asset.
You can use the ⋮ menu in the toolbar to access additional functions for each match in the search result.
Click ⋮> Change asset's ownership.
This will display the Change assets ownership dialog. Note: This option is available to the owner of the asset as well as to users with the Change Asset Owner permission.
In the Select owner field, type the name of the user to whom you want to transfer ownership of the asset.
When you have entered the first three letters of the search term, matching name suggestions are listed.
Select a user as new owner.
The selected user is now the new owner of the asset. For more information, see Owner.

Search for the assets you need.
Select the checkbox for each asset in the search results, or hold down the Shift key to select a range between Asset A and Asset B.
The number of selected entries and a button are displayed above the hit list. ...
Click > Menu…… > Edit > Change assets ownership.
This will display the Change assets ownership dialog. Note: This option is available to the owner of the asset as well as to users with the Change Asset Owner permission.
In the Select owner field, type the name of the user to whom you want to transfer ownership of the marked assets.
When you have entered the first three letters of the search term, matching name suggestions are listed.
Select a user as new owner.
The selected user is now the new owner of the asset selection. For more information, see Owner.